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apiKey() - Method in interface com.qubitpi.chatbotws.config.OpenaiConfig
Example config definition.
ApplicationConfig - Interface in com.qubitpi.chatbotws.config
ApplicationConfig provides an interface for retrieving configuration values, allowing for implicit type conversion, defaulting, and use of a runtime properties interface to override configured settings.


BinderFactory - Class in com.qubitpi.chatbotws.application
A binder factory builds a custom binder for the Jersey application.
BinderFactory() - Constructor for class com.qubitpi.chatbotws.application.BinderFactory
buildBinder() - Method in class com.qubitpi.chatbotws.application.BinderFactory
Builds a hk2 Binder instance.


chat(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.qubitpi.chatbotws.web.endpoints.OpenaiServlet
Chatbot endpoint.
com.qubitpi.chatbotws.application - package com.qubitpi.chatbotws.application
com.qubitpi.chatbotws.config - package com.qubitpi.chatbotws.config
com.qubitpi.chatbotws.web.endpoints - package com.qubitpi.chatbotws.web.endpoints
com.qubitpi.chatbotws.web.filters - package com.qubitpi.chatbotws.web.filters
CorsFilter - Class in com.qubitpi.chatbotws.web.filters
CorsFilter is a Jersey pre-matching filter handling CORS.
CorsFilter() - Constructor for class com.qubitpi.chatbotws.web.filters.CorsFilter


exampleConfigKey() - Method in interface com.qubitpi.chatbotws.config.ApplicationConfig
Example config definition.


filter(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class com.qubitpi.chatbotws.web.filters.CorsFilter
filter(ContainerRequestContext, ContainerResponseContext) - Method in class com.qubitpi.chatbotws.web.filters.CorsFilter


healthcheck() - Method in class com.qubitpi.chatbotws.web.endpoints.HealthcheckServlet
A webservice sanity-check endpoint.
HealthcheckServlet - Class in com.qubitpi.chatbotws.web.endpoints
Endpoint that contains a basic sanity-check.
HealthcheckServlet() - Constructor for class com.qubitpi.chatbotws.web.endpoints.HealthcheckServlet


OpenaiConfig - Interface in com.qubitpi.chatbotws.config
OpenaiConfig provides an interface for retrieving configuration values, allowing for implicit type conversion, defaulting, and use of a runtime properties interface to override configured settings.
OpenaiServlet - Class in com.qubitpi.chatbotws.web.endpoints
Endpoint that delegates chatbot to OpenAI API.
OpenaiServlet() - Constructor for class com.qubitpi.chatbotws.web.endpoints.OpenaiServlet
Constructor for dependency injection.


ResourceConfig - Class in com.qubitpi.chatbotws.application
The resource configuration for the web applications.
ResourceConfig() - Constructor for class com.qubitpi.chatbotws.application.ResourceConfig
DI Constructor that allows for finer dependency injection control.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form